Thursday, June 21, 2012


So, apparently God knew exactly what he was doing in not allowing me to have 5 kids under 7 full time.  :)  I have two of my nieces for several days this week, as my sister and hubby are stay-cationing for their anniversary.  I have had an interesting week, though I cannot imagine being a single parent for longer than three days with all of them.  It has been interesting.  Not interesting in a bad way, just interesting.  For example, I had a woman stop me today at Wal-Mart and count.  Out loud.  In front of me.  She remarked how close together they must be, then explained why she was asking.  She wanted to know what my fitness plan was, because, apparently, I look remarkable for birthing 5 kids.  :)  Oh, the things people feel they have the right to say to strangers...

Watching them have fun and go crazy has shown me that I really am capable of more than I think I am.  I have often wondered what extra kiddos my future may hold.  Having the girls longer than just a few hours has shown me that with a little planning, I can obviously handle more than 3 kids, not have any of them harmed, and still have every strand of hair still in my head.  Might twitch a little more than normal, but...  There have been a few times today that I have reminded myself I can do all things through Christ, whjle praying fervently for a little more strength and patience.  And it has let me take a few steps back from my "Amazing" study.  Ha, having the extra kids hasn't let me do anything except having the extra kids.  I have enjoyed them, but think it will be strangely calm when they go home tomorrow night.  Might even miss them.   

I should have taken pictures of the chaos yesterday.  It was last night in the middle of the night that I realized activities were going to be scheduled around the clock for today and tomorrow.  No downtime. Ever.  Instead, I post pictures of the chaos from today.  Controlled chaos.  I am happy.  :) 

On totally different thoughts, I am really excited about so many different things going on.  I was totally blessed with a few things I needed for my connect group.  Gotta love the way God is so faithful when you are doing something for Him.  I have had one thought after another after another about the group.  I am actually excited that I have a week until the first meeting.  Not dreading it at all.  There are a few parts that are going to be tough, but I know that I can do this.  Play-dough time is no longer entertaining, so I must wrap this up in a hurry, but I am looking forward to sharing insights to some awesome things I have found hopefully sometime this weekend.  Feeling so blessed tonight.  Exhausted, but blessed.  :)

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